“Blacks, Hispanics, Asians and other so-called minorities accounted for more than 50% of all U.S. births.”
Minority:The smaller number, less than half of a total, a group distinguished by its religious, political, racial or other characteristics from a larger group of society of which it forms a part.
Majority:The greater number or part of; more than half the total number of the amount by which a greater part exceeds a smaller.
The spectators “just went wild” and “everybody screamed” as the announcer talked about having the bull run down the clown with the Obama mask.
“They mentioned the president’s name, I don’t know, 100 times. It was sickening,” Beam said. “It was feeling like some kind of Klan rally you’d see on TV.”
Now, allow me to ask the question of who is the minority and who is the majority? For many years many of us have been taught to believe that there are more of one group of people in the United States than the other. Not only have we been taught to believe it, we were also bombarded with the belief that there are more White folk in the world than any other group of people as well. I’ve always wondered about that notion since I was a child. I used to ask my mother and grandmother how come all of those Natives were always afraid of Tarzan? You know, back in the day we had this little-bitty black and white TV that always showed how the white folks were always in charge of everything. Have you never wondered the same? Why did the Blue-Coats and the White Settlers in the west, constantly
The television and movies had us believing the war was won on their (white folks) valor and bravery alone. They said it was they who saved slavery and sacrificed for the righteousness of freedom. Now don’t you think if it was they who dared to be brave and save the world all by themselves, what in the hell did you need slaves or Black Folk for in the first place? You could do it all by yourselves! Many of that particular group, the white supremacists purveyors of superiority over everyone else...strongly believe "they 've done it all by themselves" to be true!
For years and years, generation after generation, they have told us that people in this country, the world is outnumbered by white people. And we believed it too. For me, I’ve always wondered how that was possible when there are so many lands that are filled with people of color. Nearly every continent has people who are not white living there. Albeit, we have been inundated with white folks in the movies, television, radio, the newspapers and magazines, the commercials, every add as far as the eye can see…is dominated, portrayed, and illuminated with and for white people. And it was intended for Black people to absorb, digest, and believe to be true…forever! Why is that? White is good, Black is bad. So why is it that the powers that be continually attempt to brainwash and bamboozle each and every member of the human race?
The answer is
It is not possible for the folks who are white to dominate and control the many nations of people who are not white. One of the major fears of slave owners was how to control the masses of Black people in captivity. I’m sure you are all familiar with the “Willie Lynch Theory.” It’s based on lies and deception. It’s the only way to control an ignorant mind, body, and soul. Have you ever had a discussion with someone who refuses to see the truth? Especially when the evidence is presented right in front of their faces.
In case you’ve forgotten to tell your children, it was the Ethiopians (i.e., the Moor, invaders of Spain) who taught the Greek and the Romans…the beginning of life and civilization began in Africa. The Pilgrims would have starved to death had it not been for the Indian Culture and belief in humanity. Columbus would have not only been lost he would have been killed if he didn’t have the Black interpreter along for the ride. I could go on and on quoting facts concerning Black Leadership and the vast numbers of people of color. Presently, I’d like to address this crazy notion of people of color being outnumbered by those who are not.
“As a whole, the nation’s so-called minority population continues to rise, following a higher-than-expected Hispanic count in the 2010 census. Minorities increased 1.9 percent to 114.1 million, or 36.6 percent of the total U.S. population, lifted by prior waves of immigration that brought in young families and boosted the number of Hispanic women in their prime childbearing years,” according to Hop Yen of the associated Press, 5.17.12.
“This is an important landmark,” said Roderick Harrison, a former chief of racial statistics at the Census Bureau who is now a sociologist at Howard University. “This generation is growing up much more accustomed to diversity than its elders.”
WASHINGTON — http://www.nbcnews.com/id/47458196/ns/us_news-life/t/census-minorities-now-surpass-whites-us-births/#.UeTTf6UgS4Q.twitter – For the first time, racial and ethnic minorities make up more than half the children born in the U.S., capping decades of heady immigration growth that is now slowing.
New 2011 census estimates highlight sweeping changes in the nation’s racial makeup and the prolonged impact of a weak economy, which is now resulting in fewer Hispanics entering the U.S.
Yen says on 5.17.12, Maria Tersesa Kumar and Nia-Maleka Henderson on News Nation discussed the ratio of non-Hispanic whites being counted as 49.6% while minorities made up 50.4% of the current population.
“According to the government, Blacks, Hispanics, Asians and other minorities accounted for more than 50% of all U.S. births. Non-Hispanic whites made up almost half. The executive director and the Washington post,” said Nia-Maleka Henderson. She was with the Romney campaign. “We await new words regarding the New York times article. I grew up in Texas and my entire life we heard the world needed to wake up. The Hispanic population would be representing enormous numbers and could not be ignored. And politicians in Texas , those even in this red state of Texas who are successful worldwide were like governor Perry in many ways, who adopted or adapted to survive politically in embracing some parts of the Hispanic community.”
With that being said, how many politicians, over time, have embraced the Black, Asian, Latina, Hispanic, and Indian Cultures in order for them to survive. It seems their careers depended upon the clandestine cape of love, peace, and harmony? Do numbers lie? Remember how it looked around election time when all the politicos are out enmasse kissing babies and slapping palms? But when its all said and done, the elections being behind them and in the presence of the “Good-Ole-Boys,” everything is back where it belongs…Us vs. Them. “We’ll keep the darkies happy by letting them think we let them in the door with love and kindness, you know…give em a little pat on the head and let them think everything is alright.”
Does that sound familiar?
It’s a trend. let’s go back to some of the republican debates that we saw. the large round of applause that came when Governor Perry was taken on, regarding the “Dream Act.”
The definition of racism and the concept of white privilege. The concept that racism is power based—and flows from power to lack of power—is hard to grasp for majority people (defined in this country as white, male, heterosexual, Christian and with no disabilities). I can understand the frustration: Racism is hard to grasp. But white privilege is almost impossible for a majority person to truly understand.
“To survive politically in embracing some parts of the Hispanic and Black community, I think that’s absolutely right. What you’re seeing is that was one of the reasons why Perry was so for and in favor of the Dream Act. Recognizing it was something that doesn’t impact the majority of American Latinos in this country but it does signal that you understand the needs of the Latino communication when it comes to policy and changes. you can say the same thing for the attorney general up in Utah. The attorney general in Utah basically went against the wave of anti-immigrant legislation that we saw in Arizona , that we saw in Florida. Basically, if you could demonstrate you speak English and pass a back ground check, we’ll give you a worker’s permit. signaling solutions in the communication. That’s one of the reasons when you take a step back and start talking about the Latino vote in 2012, it is the beginning of a huge wave that we’re going to see across the country. It’s a definite trend.”
The article boasted 73% of baby-boomers, 65 or older, are white. Compared to 20% who are 18 and younger are white. You see a huge demographic change where the majority of young people in Arizona are either Latino or Black people of Color. It is not a surprise the demographic changes are creating a political pools along ideological lines. however what both Karl Rove and President Bush knew, in order to win the White House, they needed 40% of the Latino vote across the spectrum. Across states in order to win the white house. Mitt Romney back pedaled saying he supported the Rubio plan for the dream action he was bringing in Hispanic outreach person.
“The RNC was to ensure their start talking to Latinos about the issues they care about, which is not necessarily immigration but jobs and education. Republicans certainly needed the Latino vote or a great portion of it if they plan to expand. They won’t be able to survive on a national stage if they don’t start reaching out to Latinos. You heard Mitt Romney drop the name of Marco Rubio. You’ve also have somebody like Susanna Martinez publicly criticizing Romney and the idea of self-deportation. I think republicans are certainly under the gun at this point and trying to frame these issues, immigration and jobs in a way they can attract Latinos . that 40%, they have to get over that hump if they’re going to want to win the white house. What Joe Scarborough said is that, if you lose the Hispanic vote, you become the minority party. And that was his message to republicans and Mitt Romney.”
It has become absolutely important for both parties to start reaching out to the Latino community today now and early. One of the things when it come to the republican strategy, they knew they had a Latino vote problem. It is not surprising why you have over 22 states that have passed very difficult voter I.D. laws that were not in the books in 2008 but now exist in 2012. That’s one of the reasons they realize that these key states, Florida, Texas, Nevada, and Colorado all have the potential to become purple states , meaning they’re the swing states. And it will be dependent on the Latino vote. The African-American vote is also important. If you think about Ohio, George Bush was able to win Ohio because he was able to expand the African-American vote. a lot of the policies and sort of approaches that the RNC chairman put in place came to play in that election. it is not just the Latinos . they have to think about how they can peel off some of these African-American voters as well.”
Racism is more subtle than bigotry, and the concept of “majority” privilege is far more subtle than racism. It’s extremely important for leaders to understand racism—and white privilege—for this is a core limiting factor in their potential success, and therefore a fiduciary responsibility. Racism can be measured: Black households, for example, have one-twentieth the wealth of white households. Majority privilege can be measured, too—no company we measure has achieved equitable talent development—and the average women representation in the top levels of corporate management in the DiversityInc Top 50 is half of college graduation rates (roughly 25 percent versus 50 percent for people in that age bracket).
“They don’t need all of them, just a portion of these different populations.”
Racism is directed from majority to those not in the majority and has its roots in economics. In China, for example, racism would be directed from Han Chinese to any of the other 55 ethnicities. Instead of “white” privilege, China has “Han privilege”—same concept—and from Tibet to Xinjiang (where the Uyghur people live), there are protests, sometimes violent, over Han economic domination.
For the first time, racial and ethnic minorities make up more than half the children born in the U.S., capping decades of heady immigration growth that is now slowing.
New 2011 census estimates highlight sweeping changes in the nation’s racial makeup and the prolonged impact of a weak economy, which is now resulting in fewer Hispanics entering the U.S. Not to mention, the un-counted rural-poor of the south and backwater bayou’s that remain inaccessible and/or resistant to outside influences.
“This is an important landmark,” said Roderick Harrison, a former chief of racial statistics at the Census Bureau who is now a sociologist at Howard University. “This generation is growing up much more accustomed to diversity than its elders.”
The report comes as the Supreme Court prepares to rule on the legality of Arizona’s strict immigration law, with many states weighing similar get-tough measures.
“We remain in a dangerous period where those appealing to anti-immigration elements are fueling a divisiveness and hostility that might take decades to overcome,” Harrison said. As a whole, the nation’s minority population continues to rise, following a higher-than-expected Hispanic count in the 2010 census. Minorities increased 1.9 percent to 114.1 million, or 36.6 percent of the total U.S. population, lifted by prior waves of immigration that brought in young families and boosted the number of Hispanic women in their prime childbearing years. But a recent slowdown in the growth of the Hispanic and Asian populations is shifting notions on when the tipping point in U.S. diversity will come — the time when non-Hispanic whites become a minority. After 2010 census results suggested a crossover as early as 2040, demographers now believe the pivotal moment may be pushed back several years when new projections are released in December.
Deep in the human psyche to think of life as a zero-sum game—that denying some people access to resources will concentrate your power. This might work in a hunter-gatherer society, but in an economic system, we all gain when everyone participates; the innovation and industriousness of a free people will trump a group whose freedom is limited. This is why the United States is still the world’s dominant economy: Despite our problems, a person can achieve more of his or her potential here than anywhere else on the planet.
The annual growth rates for Hispanics and Asians fell sharply last year to just over 2 percent, roughly half the rates in 2000 and the lowest in more than a decade. The black growth rate stayed flat at 1 percent.
The immigrants staying put in the U.S. for now include Narcisa Marcelino, 34, a single mother who lives with her two daughters, ages 10 and 5, in Martinsburg, W.Va. After crossing into the U.S. from Mexico in 2000, she followed her brother to the eastern part of the state just outside the Baltimore-Washington region. The Martinsburg area is known for hiring hundreds of migrants annually to work in fruit orchards. Its Hispanic growth climbed from 14 percent to 18 percent between 2000 and 2005 before shrinking last year to 3.3 percent, still above the national average.
“But because the children have been born here, this is their country. And there are more opportunities for them here.”
The concept of white privilege confuses and frustrates many white people, especially people who don’t perceive themselves as being in a position of power (a recent comment started with “I grew up in a trailer park”). This is an important point because white privilege is leveraged against ignorant white people to do the bidding of more powerful white people who have an economic agenda—the Koch brothers, for example. It’s been used by people from Father Coughlin to Rush Limbaugh to whip people up and build audience share for financial gain. Most of the white people killed on behalf of the Confederate government in our Civil War owned no slaves—but they died for the right to compete with enslaved labor. Most recently, we’ve seen this with the organized and vigorous effort to smear Trayvon’s character. I’m almost certain that this is emanating from the gun lobby, which is concerned about maintaining the tremendous boom in handgun sales that the combination of “Stand Your Ground” and “Shall Issue” concealed-carry laws has generated.
The Hispanic population boom may have peaked Of the 30 large metropolitan areas showing the fastest Hispanic growth in the previous decade, all showed slower growth in 2011 than in the peak Hispanic growth years of 2005-2006, when the construction boom attracted new migrants to low-wage work. They include Lakeland, Fla.; Charlotte, N.C.; Atlanta; Provo, Utah; Las Vegas; and Phoenix. All but two — Fort Myers, Fla., and Dallas-Fort Worth — also grew more slowly last year than in 2010, hurt by the jobs slump. Pointing to a longer-term decline in immigration, demographers believe the Hispanic population boom may have peaked.
“The Latino population is very young, which means they will continue to have a lot of births relative to the general population,” said Mark Mather, associate vice president of the Population Reference Bureau. “But we’re seeing a slowdown that is likely the result of multiple factors: declining Latina birth rates combined with lower immigration levels. If both of these trends continue, they will lead to big changes down the road.”
William H. Frey, a demographer at the Brookings Institution who analyzed the census data, noted that government debates over immigration enforcement may now be less pressing, given slowing growth. “The current congressional and Supreme Court interest in reducing immigration — and the concerns especially about low-skilled and undocumented Hispanic immigration — represent issues that could well be behind us,” he said.
It’s a problem for corporate leaders—you have to manage people who are susceptible to hateful messaging as this “jobless recovery” turns a lot of majority people who were previously “haves” into “have-nots.” This is exacerbated by a trend that economist Enrico Moretti wrote about in his recent book, The New Geography of Jobs: There is a migration of smart people to cities that have the perception of being successful. The folks who are left behind are even more economically depressed than before—and far more susceptible to racists who will provide an easy rationale to their problems.
So-called Minorities made up roughly 2.02 million, or 50.4 percent of U.S. births in the 12-month period ending July 2011. That compares with 37 percent in 1990.
In all, 348 of the nation’s 3,143 counties, or 1 in 9, have minority populations across all age groups that total more than 50 percent. In a sign of future U.S. race and ethnic change, the number of counties reaching the tipping point increases to more than 690, or nearly 1 in 4, when looking only at the under age 5 population.
The counties in transition include Maricopa (Phoenix), Ariz.; King (Seattle), Wash.; Travis (Austin), Texas; and Palm Beach, Fla., where recent Hispanic births are driving the increased diversity among children. Also high on the list are suburban counties such as Fairfax, Va., just outside the nation’s capital, and Westchester, N.Y., near New York City, where more open spaces are a draw for young families who are increasingly so-called minority.
According to the latest data, the percentage growth of Hispanics slowed from 4.2 percent in 2001 to 2.5 percent last year. Their population growth would have been even lower if it weren’t for their relatively high fertility rates — seven births for every death. The median age of U.S. Hispanics is 27.6 years.
Births actually have been declining for both whites and so-called minorities as many women postponed having children during the economic slump. But the drop since 2008 has been larger for whites, who have a median age of 42. The number of white births fell by 11.4 percent, compared with 3.2 percent for minorities, according to Kenneth Johnson, a sociologist at the University of New Hampshire.
Asian population increases also slowed, from 4.5 percent in 2001 to about 2.2 percent. Hispanics and Asians still are the two fastest-growing minority groups, making up about 16.7 percent and 4.8 percent of the U.S. population, respectively.
Blacks, who comprise about 12.3 percent of the population, have increased at a rate of about 1 percent each year. Whites have increased very little in recent years.
But reaction to the case looks far more lopsided when the survey participants’ race is considered. Blacks are dissatisfied with the verdict by a staggering 86-percent to 5-percent margin, the poll found, and 78 percent say the case raises important questions about race, Pew found.
Other findings within the research report:
The migration of Black Americans back to the South is slowing. New destinations in the South, including Atlanta, Charlotte, N.C., Raleigh, N.C., and Orlando, Fla., saw sharp drop-offs in black population growth as the prolonged housing bust kept African-Americans locked in place in traditional big cities. Metro areas including New York, Chicago, Los Angeles and San Francisco had reduced declines or gains.
Nine U.S. counties in five states saw their minority populations across all age groups surpass 50 percent last year. They were Sutter and Yolo in California; Quitman in Georgia; Cumberland in New Jersey; Colfax in New Mexico; and Lynn, Mitchell, Schleicher and Swisher in Texas. Maverick County, Texas, had the largest share of minorities at 96.8 percent, followed by Webb County, Texas, and Wade Hampton, Alaska, both at 96 percent.
President Obama also called for a rethinking of broad self-defense laws, like Florida’s Stand Your Ground law, which was key to Zimmerman’s defense. He asked the public to imagine if Martin could have “stood his ground” on that sidewalk, if he was of age, armed and felt threatened.
Four states, Hawaii, California, New Mexico and Texas, as well as the District of Columbia have minority populations that exceed 50 percent. The census estimates used local records of births and deaths, tax records of people moving within the U.S., and census statistics on immigrants. The figures for “white” refer to those whites who are not of Hispanic ethnicity.
Among whites, 49 percent are satisfied with the trial’s outcome, compared with 30 percent who are dissatisfied, and 60 percent say the issue of race is getting more attention than it deserves, the poll found.
Gaps emerged through other demographic filters like gender and age. Younger people are more likely to be unhappy with the verdict (53 percent among adults under 30) than those 65 and older (33 percent), the poll showed; women are more likely than men to be displeased with Zimmerman’s acquittal (48 percent compared with 36 percent).
Political affiliation greatly swayed opinions about the case. Pew found that 61 percent of Republicans are satisfied with the verdict, compared with 22 percent of Democrats and 42 percent of Independents. Among those who identify with the Tea Party, 80 percent are satisfied with the verdict, the poll showed. White Republicans are more than twice as likely as white Democrats to be satisfied with the verdict (65 percent vs. 30 percent), Pew found. Black Democrats (91 percent) are more likely than white Democrats (56 percent) to be unhappy with the verdict.
Population Density: Includes Puerto Rico and the District of Columbia in population density rankings, 1 to 52. Apportionment: Apportionment is the process of dividing the 435 seats in the
House of Representatives among the 50 states. Puerto Rico and the District of Columbia are not included.
Alaska and Hawaii gained statehood in 1959. Arizona and New Mexico gained statehood in 1912. Data before those periods are not reflected on the map.
Congress did not reapportion in 1920. Therefore, the apportionment data shown for this decade replicates the data for 1910. There is no data reflected for the apportionment population in the 1920 “people per representative” chart.
Data provided by U.S. Census Bureau. Is the truth the truth?
According to a new poll on the Shooting of a young Black Boy, Trayvon Martin – Comments of Vocal Opposition: (The comments are presumed to be those of disagreeing whites)
The American public is divided, largely along racial and political lines, over George Zimmerman’s acquittal and the conversation it has sparked about race.
The U.S.A. is falling apart and our press and leaders are helping it. Unfortunately, journalism died with Walter Cronkite.
It was the same with OJ verdict. the blacks cheered for OJ and the whites were in disbelief, and not one riot or protest.
There wasn’t enough evidence to convict, pure and simple. Being black is not a crime, but neither is being Hispanic or white or any other race.
They don’t care about due process unless it fits their own personal agenda. It’s not about “equality” but rather “special treatment.”
Ijiwaru Sensei
Race-baiting, politics, and a desire for ratings cloud just about everything. The evidence was nowhere near sufficient to convict Zimmerman. The media have been irresponsible in their reporting, fanning the flames of racism for the sake of ratings.
Why not take a poll about every trail in America? Zimmerman was found not guilty by a jury and that’s the way our system works. It appears that protestors would rather have a popular vote to see if someone is guilty. Blacks kill Blacks everyday without the rage and protest and comments from Obama and Holder. A 17 year old Black male was shot in the back of the head by another black male while waiting on a school bus. The Black male that was shot had a good grade average and was shot by a Black that was a drop out. Where was the rage, the nationwide news coverage and the protest or Al and Jesse.
What were the poll numbers for blacks upon learning that the President of Detroit Public Schools is a functional illiterate?
Merl S
So this is a white black issue what about a Hispanic issue? Zimmerman is Hispanic why cause Obama’s looks Black but half white so we call him black Zimmerman looks Hispanic but we call him white Hispanic. What’s going on here?
For over a generation this country has heard about the plight of the Black man and how it is always the fault of the white man and slavery. True enough there have been injustices in this country’s history. But as far as I am aware, there is not a Black American alive that has been a slave nor a white American that has owned one – only those that want to perpetuate it for personal gain.
I think white America has reached its limit with the blame game and the cowering to Blacks every time racism is brought up by the likes of Sharpton or Jackson. Black America has many social issues to deal with. They have had 50 years of government programs, subsidies, and advantages thrown their way to equalize the equation, but their problems still remain and will do so until they learn to become responsible for themselves and their offspring.
I think there are many Blacks who want to overcome this and work hard every day to be a part of mainstream America. It is the self-serving politicians, demagogues, charlatans, and liberal media that prevent them from achieving this. Until those people are made irrelevant, the situation will not change.
Sailor Jim
Is the president saying that 35 years ago he would have beaten some guy’s head against a hard surface for following him?
KANSAS CITY, Mo. (AP) — A clown wearing a President Barack Obama mask appeared at a Missouri State Fair rodeo this weekend and the announcer asked the enthusiastic spectators if they wanted to see “Obama run down by a bull.”
The antics led the state’s second highest-ranking official, Lt. Gov. Peter Kinder, to denounce the performance in a tweet Sunday. He said it was “disrespectful” to the president.
… they bring out what looks like a dummy.
The announcer says “Here’s our Obama dummy, or our dummy of Obama!”
“They mentioned the president’s name, I don’t know, 100 times. It was sickening,” Beam said.
“It was feeling like some kind of Klan rally you’d see on TV.”
Officials with the Missouri Rodeo Cowboy Association, the organization that coordinated the rodeo, did not return phone calls seeking comment Sunday.
Adam Jones: Banana thrown his way at AT&T Park
By David Brown Big League Stew
Just last week, a statue of Jackie Robinson and Pee Wee Reese in Brooklyn was vandalized with racist slurs and Hitler references. It was another reminder — like we needed one — that “post-racial America” is a fairytale until further notice.
A statue, made of stone, is bad enough. But Adam Jones of the Baltimore Orioles is a person, and what happened to him at AT&T Park on Sunday was just as unacceptable. Jones, who is Black, said somebody threw a “banana towards my direction” in the ninth inning of Baltimore’s 10-2 victory against the San Francisco Giants.
Bananas have been used, time immemorial, in racist depictions of Blacks as being subhuman. In 2011, a white fan threw a banana peel at NHL player Wayne Simmonds, who is Black, during a game in London, Ont. Canada.
Worse than graffiti, what happened to Simmonds and Jones is tantamount to being spat upon, with an added insult of racism. In 2013, such behavior cannot be tolerated.
In a way, Jones is being kind by using a (NSFW) slang term used to describe a dunce who doesn’t quite know what he or she is doing. After sending his tweet, Jones fielded replies from more ignorant fans defending the banana thrower. As a result, Jones says:
“That would be a shame. Nobody deserves to be taunted with racism,” especially not Jones, who — with the occasional exception — engages fans on Twitter and in real life in a consistently friendly way. He’s not perfect, but Major League Baseball needs more guys like Jones on social media, not fewer.
Update: The Giants say, via the San Francisco Chronicle, that they’re reviewing surveillance video.
“Hopefully, between ballpark security cameras and any live witnesses, the Giants can figure out who threw the banana and ban him from games. He or she should be — and needs to be — embarrassed. And Adam Jones is owed an apology.”
Do the above statements ring any bells for those of us who have lived long enough to remember what double-talk used to sound like?
The only difference is the toned down subtlety and the pretense to give a damn, while the bold and determined rant on with the vile and mean spirited intention of ‘white power, no matter what!’. Do you think the 400 year prophecy (Freedom of the chosen people in the land of bondage) has finally shown them, the so-called majority, that the game is afoot? Their time is over! The realization of ‘You reap what you sow, has finally come to light!’ I wonder how it feels for them that hang onto the lie? If they feel the inevitable future of inclusion? Even if they don’t accept the dire consequences of what they have done, it won’t matter because God has laid down the law… “And bondage shall end at the end of four-hundred years.” The masters will no longer rule over the masses of the children of the chosen. Will we ever know the real reason why white America fears the Black Male – Role Model figure? Or are they worried that, with the truth finally being told, they are being relieved of their power, their strangle hold on societies, truly exposed and out-numbered?
How do we fix this problem of selected ignorance? Righteous believing humans don’t need to be told of this remedy because they already know. Well, the first thing is to stop the denial of the truth. To acknowledge and show respect to the origin of humanity. Stop the belief of believing that white people are superior to all others. Bring an end to the all encompassing brainwashing techniques of convincing the offspring that they are better because they are white. If you haven’t noticed, the beginning of change has taken affect right before your eyes… There are truths beyond your control that you simply cannot suppress.
As for the theory of white people outnumbering the number of people of color, it was as it began, a myth.
“If you don’t stand for something, you’ll fall for anything!”
“The plantation is overrun with darkies on the uprise! Get your guns and don’t worry, we outnumber them ten to one! We can control them and keep them controlled…forever!”
I wonder… Who are you going to believe, them…or your lying eyes?
Now, where are the Bigots and Racists? Come on, you can’t see them? Did you hear them?
Can you hear them?
“What is a man or woman who does not try and make the world better?”
Til Next Time…
“O.P.M. – “They Call It Federal Benefit Payment/Entitlement”
Can One Imagine “The Horror of It All…!”
ISBN-10: 1491086270
ISBN-13: 978-1491086278
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When Nimrod Ruled
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Was King James of England and Scotland Black or White?
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Who Are The Real Hebrews?
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The Moors and Truth - 1787 a Truce
Black to White
When Nimrod Ruled
Judah in the Land of Ham
Esau,Shem, and Ham
Was King James of England and Scotland Black or White?
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'Who Really Are The Hebrews?'
Who Are The Real Hebrews?
ReplyDelete* Lew’s review of “Hitler’s Thirty Days to Power” by Henry Turner
Posted by Lew Weinstein on June 9, 2014
Here are a few extracts from Turner’s work …
… at the beginning of January, Hitler was judged to be finished … Frankfurter Zeitung – Jan 1, 1933: The mighty Nazi assault of the democratic state has been repulsed. The republic has been rescued.
… There was widespread disillusionment in the Nazi ranks. Many who had joined in expectation of sharing quickly in the spoils of victory were beginning to despair: resignations occurred daily; dues arrived irregularly.
… If the Nazis had to face the voters again, they would have no resources to do so. Goebbels: “it must not come to another election”
… Then the ambitions of former-Chancellor Papen and current Chancellor Schleicher, and the gross incompetence of President Hindenburg, re-opened the door for Hitler. Papen convinced Hindenburg that Hitler was ready to join with conservative forces in a coalition cabinet [this was not true!]. Hindenburg concluded that Hitler’s involvement precluded Schleicher, which made Hindenburg part of a conspiracy to depose the chancellor (Schleicher) he had just appointed.
… Hitler maintained his composure in 2nd half of January; he betrayed no loss of nerve, retaining his unshakable belief in his calling to lead Germany.
Why is it that the powers that be continually attempt to brainwash and bamboozle each and every member of the human race?
The answer is COMPLETE AND UTTER DOMINATION OVER THE ENTIRE WORLD. The plan was a very good one. It’s worked for thousands of years. However, the chains of ignorance have loosened themselves and set us all free. The yoke of lies and deceit have been dissolved by the key of enlightenment – the key of truth and freedom as wielded by the arm of…
“We Are Not The Minority”
Many people who are ‘Bi-Racial’ have been perceived as ‘Black’ unless it benefits or pleases the eye of the beholder. Not to mention those who have been described as passing – (for white). Many children who are Bi-Racial have been raised in the Black community. However, that particular count is misleading. The billions of Bi-Racial Children all over the world have…
“OUT OF DIVINITY – The Concept of Man’s Creation and Salvation”
The devil appeared not less than four or five times throughout the scenes in ‘The Greatest Story Ever Told.’ He sat and spoke with Yahshua / Jesus in the desert offering gifts and majestic rewards, in the desert while he was fasting. He was there in the shadows of the crowd in Jerusalem. He was the first one to shout blasphemy at the gates of Pontius Pilate, and the first to shout crucify him and free Barabbas and one of the initial accusers, he and Caiaphas.
Pilate pondered the err of his decision:
“What have I done? I knew before those eerie words crossed my lips that I had made an egregious erroneous decision!
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